VLOG 238 Behind the Scenes ✂️ with Angela Wolf ! Last week we cut out the Lacy top pattern, this week we will serge it together. And I will be drawing 3 lucky winners for the beautiful Shannon Fabric!!! Also, check out the new renovations coming to Angela Wolf’s studio … hand dyed fabrics coming soon! yeah!
A sloper in general is a pattern that is used as a base and from this pattern you are able to design multiple styles. By fitting a sloper to your own body shape, you are guaranteed to have a well fitted outfit. In this class you will learn to fit a pant sloper, turn the sloper into a pattern, and tips for using this sloper as a guide to work with other pant patterns.
VLOG 220 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf – Rachel Twin Set sew-a-long ~ Part 4
Today I walk you thru cutting a double collar, adding a touch of yellow to the coral twin-set. This is not part of the pattern, but you know I LOVE patternhacks! Adding yellow to the collar will tie into the tank top, which you will see more about next week.
Working on the tank top, you will find a tutorial on choosing size and adding a full bust adjustment.
Catch the Next Show …
Be sure to catch At Your Side Virtually! every Tuesday and Thursday at NOON Eastern and Behind the Scenes live onFacebookandYouTube every Wednesday at 1:30pm Eastern. I will post the replays here on the blog too 🙂
Today we kicked off our Rachel Twin Set sew-a-long! We reviewed the pattern, how to select your size, and what types of fabrics would work well for this design, how to lengthen the jacket.
Envelope Pattern There are three download versions for the envelope pattern: Full Layout - Use this for projector printing or printing on a plotter. ENVELOPE PURSE Letter Size Printing - Use this when printing letter size paper (8.5" x 11"). Print pages 1-8, the...
Quilted Grocery Bag Sewalong I am so excited to share this new grocery bag sewalong with you! This is an easy project with opportunities to make is more advanced with embroidery and embellishing. Sewalong Schedule #372 - 9/7 - Sewalong Part 1 Supplies and Pattern...
Tweed Skirt Sewalong Part 1 In part 1 of this sewalong I will share options for choosing the best fabrics and pattern. Join me in choosing the best lining to coordiante with my fabric!Skirt Patterns to choose from: ~ The Kate Skirt ~ The Fringe Skirt Pattern ~...
Episode 305 🧵 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf I know you have heard me say many time ... I am never going on a cruise! Winn and I are on the water all the time, why would I want to go on a cruise?!? Kelli Presley and Phyllis Batz will be joining me live to talk...
Episode 305 🧵 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf Featuring CraftOptics I am not sure about your, but if I am working in a low lit area or sewing beads onto a garment, I tend to lean forward and squint, this ending up with a terrible back ache! CraftOptics has changed...
Episode 303 🧵 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf The last part of our Delila Slit Sleeve Sewalong! Have you checked out all the Delila tops posted in our private Angela Wolf Patterns Group? So cute!!! Angie Hotchkiss ~ Angela Wolf Facebook GroupDarlene Deck ~...
Episode 302 🧵 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf We are onto part 2 in the Delila sew along! We have cut our fabric and ready to sew. Did you have any questions about fitting? If so, be sure to take your photos with questions to the Angela Wolf Patterns Facebook...
Episode 301 🧵 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf Getting into summer and looking for stylish tops to wear with jeans, shorts, or skirts and one of my fist patterns always shows up ... The DelilaDelila Pattern has 9 Options I designed this pattern to be able to sew...
Episode 260 🧵 Behind the Scenes with Angela Wolf ~ Sew the Shirley Wrap with a Sweater Knit The Shirley Wrap pattern is so versatile and this time we will use a thicker, sweater knit fabric. You can find the Shirley pattern in PDF and paper patterns in size XXS -...
Episode 259 ~ At your side 🧵 Virtually! Organizing and Sewing Clear Vinyl Join Angela Wolf with the next steps in sewing the Shirley Wrap with a sweater knit. Pressing hems with a tailors clapper, prepping neckline, and marking gathering.Catch the Next Show ... Be...
2. WICK AWAY: If you plan on working out, look for moisture wicking fabric. Wickaway moves sweat to the outside of the fabric and quickly dries, so your sweat doesn’t soak the fabric.
3. FITTING: Athletic wear is usually fitted, especially leggings. Check the exact measurements on the pattern and compare to your exact measurements. You will want to have the outfit at least 1″ smaller than your size (more than 1″ depending on your size too). This is what we call negative ease.
4. NEEDLES: Use a stretch in the sewing machine, serger, and coverstitch.
5. THREAD: I useWooly Poly or Wooly Nylon in the upper and lower loopers on the serger.
6. SERGER STITCH: A 4-thread overlock stitch is stronger than a 3-thread overlock stitch. I use the 4-thread for leggings, fitted workout tops, and sport bras. I use the 3-thread overlock stitch for loose fitting knits and items that won’t have a lot of stress.
7. SEWING: If you don’t have a serger, you an use stretch thread in the sewing machine. Wind the bobbin slowly and use the stretch thread for both the upper thread and bobbin with a straight stitch. Another option is using universal thread and a narrow zigzag stitch.
8. ELASTIC: I use sport and braided elastic in the waistband of my leggings. 1/2″ wide when I am sewing yoga style leggings with a wide waistband. 1″ or 1-1/4″ when sewing more of a leggings style.
9. HEMMING: performance fabric can be slippery and tricky to sew. I steam press the hem and use a tailors clapper to create a creased fold. Then when I run the fabric through the coverstitch machine or sewing machine using a twin needle, the fabric lays nice and flat.
10. ADD A TOUCH OF MESH: Use a coordinating mesh fabric to leggings as an accent to hold your cell phone or inserted into a tank for a trendy style.
Vlog 174 Behind the Scenes: Meet Holly Cobb and Robin Hill
Through the years I have come to know so many talented entrepreneurs, I can’t think of a better time to feature their creative business marketing. Meet Holly Cobb form The Sewing Shop in Shreveport, LA and Robin Hill from The Stitching Post with stores located in Oklahoma City and Moore, OK. From drive by shopping to online classes to a pink shopping cart LOL! Learn how these ladies keep their creativity and business going during the Coronavirus nationwide shutdown.
You can watch episodes of Behind the Scenes on YouTube and Facebook.
I hope you enjoyed today’s show! I have live shows every day until the end of May. Be sure to join me on Instagram for more behind the scenes and if you want to show off your Angela Wolf Pattern creations, join our wolfpack facebook group.