Customizing pieces of your winter wardrobe has never been easier. This project will show you how to use embroidery and appliqué to embellish a knitted hat and mittens.  Great gift idea!


Hat & Mittens , 10” x 4” Gold or Silver Lame Fabric, Brother Embroidery Thread, Brother Metallic Thread, Pacesetter Medium  Weight Tear-away Adhesive Stabilizer, ScanNCut —– tack adhesive fabric support sheet, piece of plastic (dry cleaner bags work great!), Brother Embroidery Machine

Step 1: Visit and search through the snowflake designs, I choose design #BR-fp116 (link to design )  Periwinkle Snowflake.  Download the design to a USB stick. Insert the USB stick into the embroidery machine and open the file.


Step 2: Open the snowflake design and click on EDIT. Click on the APPLIQUE ICON. Click on MEMORY and save the design back to the USB stick. We have now turn this design into an applique design that can be transferred to the Brother ScanNcut.

Step 3: Insert the USB stick into the Brothers ScanNCut and retrieve the file.  You will then see the appliqué outline. Change the number of designs to cut to 3.


Step 4: Prepare the cutting mat by layering a piece of —— tack adhesive fabric support sheet.  Place your fabric onto the mat and smooth out any wrinkles.  Scan in the mat so you can see where the fabric is located and move the three designs around so they are all located on the fabric.

To read the full blog and learn how to design your own bowl cover, head over to my post as a Brother Expert Consultant on the Brother Stitching Sewcial.  This is such a quick way to customize any bowl, I can’t wait to try different fabrics for the holiday season!


Embellishing – Fabricate with Applique!

Embellishing – Fabricate with Applique!


Fab-ri-cate (from unabridged – based on the Random House Dictionary)

  1. To make by art or skill and labor; construct
  2. To make by assembling parts or sections
  3. To devise or invent
  4. To fake; forge


That definition pretty much leaves the door open for ultimate creativity, wouldn’t you say? One idea includes designing your own fabric or altering a fabric into something totally different, which is what I did with the above jacket.


The fabric used for the applique trimming is a polyester / satin. A lightweight fabric with fabulous drape, perfect for a blouse or lining (both of which I plan to add to jacket).  That fabric, if left alone, would be a nightmare to create appliques or cut-outs, so I fabricated – sounds like a bad word 🙂 !

heat and bondThe trick – Heat N Bond, now available from my favorite place WAWAK Sewing and comes in 5 yard and 35 yard pieces. At first I wasn’t too sure about this stuff, but basically you iron it to the back of the fabric and it makes it easier for you to cut out an applique – especially if you are using the Brother Scan-n-Cut




This is how easy an applique can be:

Angela Wolf Sewing Scan n Cut Brother1

  • Choose a design – for the sleeve I enlarged a design already in the scan-n-cut memory.
  • Place the bonded fabric onto the cutting mat (the paper backing on the heat –n-bond makes it easy to stick)
  • Press the start button (told you it was easy!)

Angela Wolf Sewing Scan n Cut Brother9


Peel off the backing and place the appliques on the garment.

Angela Wolf Sewing Scan n Cut Brother10

Once you have the perfect placement, use a press cloth and press the applique in place.  Notice I attach the appliques before sewing the sleeve together.

Angela Wolf Sewing Scan n Cut Brother14

Even though the cut of the scan-n-cut prevents the fabric edges from fraying, I still stitch the applique in place. I choose the blanket stitch and stitched around each applique. That took some time, but it looks great.  Almost looks like leather!


I followed all those steps for the jacket front and again used a blanket stitch.


Of course I could cut these appliques by hand, but I really like the fact that all the front pieces are exactly the same! By the way, don’t look too closely at my studio – can you tell I have been working 🙂angela wolf #wardrobechallenge


Well, that’s one fun way to fabricate. Have you ever tried appliqueing apparel?



Angela Wolf

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