Refashion Jeans with Trim 

You might have noticed some of the fashions of the late 60’s and 70’s making a comeback on the store shelves, from floral fabrics to embellished jeans. How about adding crocheted ribbon trim along the outside leg!  This is so easy!!!


  • Jeans
  • Measuring tape
  • Pins
  • Ribbon or trim (check that the trim is washable)


  1. Measure the outside of the jean leg from the bottom edge of the waistband to the hem.

2. Add 6 inches to the outside leg measurement and cut 2 pieces of trim that exact length.

3. Starting at the edge of the waistband, center the trim with the outside leg seam. Fold under the raw edge of the trim about ½” and pin.

4. Continue to pin the trim along the outside leg seam. Be sure to look for metal rivets or other hardware! Here I have a rive and I will make sure to mark this spot as to not break the sewing machine needle.

5. Pin the ribbon/ trim all the way to the hemline. If you plan on folding up the jeans, measure 4 inches below the hemline and cut the trim.  If you are not going to fold up the jean hem, measure 2 inches and cut off any excess ribbon.

6. Turn the jeans inside out. Center the ribbon on the seam allowance, fold under the raw edge ½” and pin in place.

7. Follow these steps on both outside leg seams.



Depending on the style and size of the jeans, it can be challenging sewing all the way down to the narrow hemline.  To make is easier we are going to utilize the sewing sideways feature!

8. Set up the machine for sewing a straight stitch and move the needle all the way to the far-right position. Slide the jeans under the foot starting at the waistline. To read the full blog post, head over to my post as a Brother Expert Consultant on the Brother Stitching Social.

Looking for more ideas on refashioning jeans, check out my blog post on embellishing jeans with embroidery.Be sure to share photos on the social side #angelawolf – I always love to see what you are working on!


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